Friday, 26 October 2012

1. Abraham Silberschatz and Peter Baer Galvin, \Operating System Concepts";
(Book) Addison Wesley; 1999.
This is a standard text in many Universities around the globe. Chapters 4
through11 cover much of the process management and memory
management. Some websites carry the lecture notes prepared based on this
2. Aeleen Frisch, \Essential System Administration"; Chapter-19; O'Reilly and
An excellent introduction to system administration. It explains the startup and
shutdowns very well. It also has a nice chapter on security which covers how
the file systemis protected. You may wish to look it up for network file
systems NFS as well.
3. Alfred V Aho, Brian W. Kernighan and Peter J. Weieberger, \The AWK
Programming Language"; (Book); Addison Wesley, (1978).
This was the first book written by the original authors of AWK programming
language. It is not only readable for its clarity but also offers many insightful
examples as well.
4. Amoroso Edward, \Fundamentals of Security Technology"; (Book) Prentice
Hall Inc.(1994), (1999).
The book is now out of print. It develops the notions of security policies in a
very methodical way. It also has a nice chapter on Trojan horse and virus
besides discussion on Kerber OS and data-base security. A short summary of
the book may be read from my web pages at http//
5. Amoroso Edward, \Intrusion Detection"; (Book) Intrusion.Net books; (2001).
This book describes intrusion detection system architectures. It specially
emphasizes the need for keeping a systems log and profiling users to detect
malicious intrusions. Like Amoroso's earlier book, this too is very readable.
6. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, \Modern Operating Systems"; Prentice Hall of India;
This is a very readable book. One of the strengths of the book is that it is
written by a person who has designed operating systems. Andrew brings out
all the major design issues very succinctly. The sections on case studies are
extremely well written. It also gives how logically Unix and MS-DOS evolved
over time. At the conceptual level, it motivates to attempt newer designs. It
has a nice chapter on Amoeba.
7. Andrew S. Tanenbaum and DeBoelelan, \The Amoeba Microkernel"; A
technical report available from Vrije University, Amesterdem This is a must
read report for anyone interested in learning about micro-kernels and realtime
8. Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Steen, \Distributed Systems - Principles and
Paradigms"; Prentice Hall of India (2002).
A relatively recent book which covers the basics and offers an insight into the
approach to distributed architectures.
9. Betina Hold, P.C.P. Bhatt, V.K. Agarwal, \Rapid Prototyping of a Self-testing
ABS Controller Using CAD Tools"; Proceedings of IEEE Real-time systems
applications workshop July 1994.
This paper gives an innovative distributed control design for ABS with built-in
self-test features.
10. Carsten Ditze, \Operating System Synthesis"; Ph. D. Thesis, Defended in
December 1999 and published in 2001.
Contact Uni-Paderborn (Prof. Rammig's group). This is a thesis which gives a
complete listing of system call library functions with their inter relationships.
It advocates configuration management by suitably tailoring the library
functions to meet the requirements of a real-time system.

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