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10. G ray, J., and Patterson, D. A conversation with Jim
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11. H elft, M. Google confirms problems with reaching its
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12. Jackson, T. We feel your pain, and we’re sorry (Aug.
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13. Krebs, B. Amazon: Hey spammers, Get off my cloud!
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14. McCalpin, J. Memory bandwidth and machine balance
in current high performance computers. IEEE Technical
Committee on Computer Architecture Newsletter
(1995), 19–25.
15. R angan, K. The Cloud Wars: $100+ Billion at Stake.
Tech. Rep., Merrill Lynch, May 2008.
16. R ivlin, G. Wallflower at the Web Party (Oct. 15, 2006).
17. S iegele, L. Let It Rise: A Special Report on Corporate
IT. The Economist (Oct. 2008).
18. S tern, A. Update from Amazon Regarding Friday’s S3
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19. Wilson, S. AppEngine Outage. CIO Weblog (June 2008);
2. A mazon S3 Team. Amazon S3 Availability Event
(July 20, 2008); http://status.aws.amazon.com/s3-
3. A mazon Web Services. TC3 Health Case Study; http://
4. A rmbrust, M., et al. Above the clouds: A Berkeley view
of cloud computing. Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2009-28,
EECS Department, U.C. Berkeley, Feb 2009.
5. B arroso, L.A., and Holzle, U. The case for energyproportional
computing. IEEE Computer 40, 12 (Dec. 2007).
6. B rodkin, J. Loss of customer data spurs closure of
online storage service ’The Linkup.’ Network World
(Aug. 2008).
7. Fink, J. FBI agents raid Dallas computer business
(Apr. 2009); http://cbs11tv.com/local/Core.
8. Freedom OSS. Large data set transfer to the cloud (Apr.
2009); http://freedomoss.com/clouddataingestion.
9. G arfinkel, S. An Evaluation of Amazon’s Grid Computing
Services: EC2, S3 and SQS. Tech. Rep. TR-08-07,
Harvard University, Aug. 2007.
10. G ray, J., and Patterson, D. A conversation with Jim
Gray. ACM Queue 1, 4 (2003), 8–17.
11. H elft, M. Google confirms problems with reaching its
services (May 14, 2009).
12. Jackson, T. We feel your pain, and we’re sorry (Aug.
2008); http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2008/08/wefeel-
13. Krebs, B. Amazon: Hey spammers, Get off my cloud!
Washington Post (July 1 2008).
14. McCalpin, J. Memory bandwidth and machine balance
in current high performance computers. IEEE Technical
Committee on Computer Architecture Newsletter
(1995), 19–25.
15. R angan, K. The Cloud Wars: $100+ Billion at Stake.
Tech. Rep., Merrill Lynch, May 2008.
16. R ivlin, G. Wallflower at the Web Party (Oct. 15, 2006).
17. S iegele, L. Let It Rise: A Special Report on Corporate
IT. The Economist (Oct. 2008).
18. S tern, A. Update from Amazon Regarding Friday’s S3
Downtime. CenterNetworks (Feb. 2008); http://www.
19. Wilson, S. AppEngine Outage. CIO Weblog (June 2008);
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