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Consumer Culture 10:13-36.
[29] Rosner, Daniela K., & Kimiko Ryokai. 2009.
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Everyday Knitters. " Proc C&C 2009, 195-204
[30] Rosner, D. K. & Bean, J. 2009. "Learning from IKEA
Hacking: "I'm Not One to Decoupage a Tabletop and Call
It a Day. " Proc. CHI 2009 pp. 419-422.
[31] Saakes, D. 2009. Big lampan lamps: designing for
DIY. In Proc C&C '09. ACM, New York, NY, 403-404.
[32] Salovaara, A., Johnson, M., Toiskallio, K., Tiitta, S.,
& Turpeinen, M. Playmakers in multiplayer game
communities. –Proc. ACE '05, ACM Press (2005), 334-
[33] Shirky, C. (2008) Gin, Television, and Social
[34] Sennett, R. The Craftsman. Yale U. Press 2008.
[35] Sung, J., Grinter, R. E., and Christensen, H. I. 2009.
"Pimp My Roomba": designing for personalization. In
Proc. CHI '09. ACM, New York, NY, 193-196.
[36] Torrey, C., McDonald, D.W., Schilit, B.N., and Bly, S.
How-To Pages: Informal Systems of Expertise Sharing.
IEEE Computer, September (2007), 391-410.
[37] Torrey, C., Churchill, E., and McDonald, D. Learning
How: The Search for Craft Knowledge on the Internet.
Proc. CHI'09, ACM Press. 1371--1381. (2009).
[38] von Hippel, E. 2006. Democratizing Innovation. MIT
[39] Wakkary, R, & L Maestri. 2007. The resourcefulness
of everyday design. Proc. C&C’07, 163-172.
[40] Wenger, E. Communities of practice: learning,
meaning, and identity. Cambridge, 1999.
[41] Wilhelm et al. Best of Instructables. O’Reilly 2008.
[42] Whittaker, S., Terveen, L., Hill, W., and Cherny, L.
The dynamics of mass interaction. –Proc. CSCW '98,
ACM Press (1998), 257-264.
[43] Yardi, S. and Poole, E. S. 2009. Please help!:
patterns of personalization in an online tech support
board. Proc. C&T '09. ACM, New York, NY, 285-294.
[44] Zachery, G. The African Hacker. IEEE Spectrum,
August 2005.
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